"Wikipedia is a free content encyclopedia that is being written collaboratively by people from
all around the world in several languages."
Internet Traffic Report
The Internet Traffic Report monitors the flow of data around the world. It then displays a new value
between zero and 100 every five minutes. This web site will tell you if a region of the Internet is
currently slowed down. By checking the Internet Traffic Report, you can determine if your problems are
global or local.
"Picsearch is a company at the cutting edge of visual search that provides an image search engine for
individual users."
The "want ads" for the world! If I don't buy on eBay I still use
the completed auction information as a guideline for "a good deal".
"Boutell.Com, Inc. publishes articles about the workings of the World Wide Web, free of charge,
on this web site. The World Wide Web FAQ is written by Thomas Boutell, the author of the original
1994 WWW FAQ that gave many of today's web professionals their start."