The Hippo
This website and companion paper provide city news and entertainment features for the Nashua and
Manchester, New Hampshire area.
City of Nashua
This is the official City of Nashua website which provides a wealth of information for
those living here. One of the more valuable features of this site is the ability to research
local tax and property information.
NH.com is the information hub for New Hampshire with daily news and information on everything from travel,
tourism, attractions, lodging, careers, sports and weather.
NH Book Sellers
"Where people who love New Hampshire buy books"! An internet bookstore run by the former editor
of "The Nashua Telegraph". A remarkable man who knows people and the books they need to read!
Maine and Asmus, Attorneys
Intellectual property attorneys of the first order. I will always regard these gentlemen as friends
as their approach to business goes a long way to dispel the typical agenda of lawyers.
NH Book Sellers
"Where people who love New Hampshire buy books"! An internet bookstore run by the former editor
of "The Nashua Telegraph". A remarkable man who knows people and the books they need to read!
Good people. Nice web site. Pretty terse product description... I'm still not actually sure
what they're up to.